I like how you explained how writing flies by like lunch with an old friend. It's the part of my week I look most forward to, but you're right, when life gets "busy" (my most hated state), it is hard to find or schedule the time to have lunch with that friend. I didn't find it self-serving. I say we blame it on the space. But I'm happy you shared it in this space.

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Great essay, from one who know rejection and being fired. Life goes on and sometimes you realize it is the best thing that happens to you. It lets you learn who your true friends are and those only there for what they can get from you.

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I saw a lot of myself in your essay! I run the gamut from planning way ahead to winging it depending on what I'm supposed to do. I would have run it as encouragement to others - thanks for sharing!

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This has really twisted my brain, which isn't hard to do😆. Is the "90-Minute Column" just a lead-in intro for the rest of the essay - "My Local Paper Rejected This Essay"(?). I want to think this whole essay was published as it is, but without access to The Perry Herald, I really don't know🤔. The follow-up to the rejection seems like the real column, to me. I'm either fooled (in a literary sense), or this entire essay was published(?). Either way, very good!

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